Hi Mom!

By Alireza Alavi

Table of Contents

  1. But Why?
  2. BUT...
  3. Engineer Brain Goes BRRRRRR

But Why?

- Look mom! I made it! I'm finally a valid internet citizen with my own website!

+ Ummm... That's sweet honey! But why in the world would you need a website for?

I think every tech person can agree with me that nobody hates tech more than us techie people.

One of the biggest love-hate relationships of my life is between me and technology. On one hand, It makes doing things a lot easier, but on the other hand it becomes a PAIN very quickly. Overall you can see my formulated thoughts in the graph below:

more tech, more suffering
Fig. 1. A graph showing the relation between the amount of tech and the amount of suffering and misery in my life.

But even with this being said, I have to emphasise on the special hatred I preserve within the depths of my soul for social media.

I was tired of the social media changing every couple of years, The fact that you don't decide what to consume, you get fed by a feed, The way you have to juggle between numerous social medias to stay relevant, etc.

So I found myself on a hard decision.

  1. Go throw a pie into Zuckerberg's face
  2. Abandon social media and live a peaceful life

Since I don't have enough money to be able to pull option 1 off, I decided to go with option 2.


But how do I show my portfolio to other people? How do I share this cute cat pic that I took last week to the whole world? Now nobody will ever know about how cute that cat was. How do I whine about something to so many people at once? DMing them all separately is an option, but not a wise one. This is an injustice!!

Engineer Brain Goes BRRRRRR

What if I could put this stuff somewhere and create it how I like it? What about putting them on a page and being able to somehow share it with many people and many devices that are connected to each other somewhat like how a spider's web  is connected.

What should I call it? pageweb? wage? websheet? ... AHA! I'll call it a web-page™.

I knew what I wanted.

a central hub to link everything together, like my emails, different Git accounts, matrix account, mastadon, etc. These platforms might go under any second, and then You will have to be like, "Oh, 'A' is so last year now; here is my new account on 'B'." or something like this. But even 20 years from now, if I keep this website up,  You would know that if you want anything about Alavi, you should come to my website; A journal for my not-so-personal things that I can easily address and share with other people and help them use my experiences.

I want to have a monologue of a rant. I don't want interjections upon my holy naggings. We don't want any democracy here.

not hearing Zuckerberg or one of his friends breathing through my phone's speaker every time I opened one of those apps is also a plus.

So I got my tools out, played some rocky music, and got to work. I created some web-pages™, and together they formed a web-site™. Spectacular!

Now I can nag, rant, share cat pictures, and be a showoff all in one place! Free of Zucc or Elon, or any other unhealthy individual but myself.(Almost)

- "Ummm... I would love to get to know you better, We should keep in touch :')"

+ "Sure thing! Here's my website, make sure you subscribe to the RSS feed ;)"